cast Fishing in-game and hover yor mouse over the bobber. Go into first person view in-game ( Recommended).Face your character towards the water so that the horizon of the water is at the half way mark of your screen ( see video above for example).Make sure World of Warcraft is in full screen windowed mode.The addon is included in the releases section of this repository. If playing on World of Warcraft Patch 1.12.1, download the addon called SuperMacro (this is because the /use command didn't exist back then).If you need to install or update your Java version, you can do so here.

Many times a second it will perform that same operation, and if the amount of blue changed radically between the this scan and the original one, it clicks and loots the fish! Outdated Video (Warning) It averages the amount of blue in that circle as an integer value. After finding the Fishing Bobber, the program will search around the bobber in a circular pattern. This is the tell-tale indicator that allows FishingBot to work. In order to find the Fishing Bobber that floats in the water in-game, the program relies on the fact that the game itself generates a tooltip when the user hovers over the bobber. The program runs outside of the client (does not inject any processes) and simply scans pixels on the screen to look for color patterns. This is a program written in Java which automates the Fishing profession in the video game World of Warcraft.